Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thank goodness there's backup

Sophie at 3 pounds, 6 ounces is a little toughie. She seems to think that even though she was the last pet here that she is the boss.

She has created tons of rules: Nobody walks inside or outside without her permission. Nobody disturbs her while she is sleeping even if she is hogging the bed. She is allowed to eat cat food right from the cats dish. She is allowed to lick your face. She is allowed to sniff until you get grumpy. Nobody is allowed to get grumpy with her. She is allowed on any furniture she wants even if you are already sitting on it. And nobody is allowed to have any friends over.

Of course if you do not listen to her already made rules or ones she makes up as she goes you will be bitten. So small children, large adults watch out as you may be chased down and bitten on your ankles, fingers, or toes!

However little Sophie may forget to mention that if you pretend to chase her back, she will run the other way and hide growling behind Koda or I. Because big Koda is really gonna help her out, he might......actually no he won't....he is more likely to lick you and then sit on your lap for you to pet him!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our Adoption Stories Post

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Koda: Since I am the oldest, I was allowed to use the computer all by myself. I was born in 2004 to a hobby breeder who breeds Golden Retrievers especially for my nice red colour. The kids in my family were not told that they were getting a puppy and Dad put me in his lunch box to suprise them. Yep I used to be small enough to fit inside a lunch box. My Erika wasn't at home for the suprise but I knew who she was by everyone's description when we picked her up from camp. I ran right to her and knew she would be my best human friend ever in the entire world. I can't find my puppy pictures since they were before digital time. But I will look all over for them and make Erika do a special puppy post just for me. Instead here is one of me packing myself in Erika's car so she will not leave without me.

Sophie: I was a suprise too although this time everyone in the family knew that there was dog talk going on. A girlfriend for Koda, or a little pug or yorkie. Lucky for me they picked a yorkie and started looking. They found me on kijiji just like Erika's kitty Blair. Unlike Koda and Blair I had another family first; I was adopted from a backyard breeder and taken home to my first family which had two teenage boys. The mom named me Emma and thought her boys would like me, but teenage boys and a teacup yorkie don't really go together. The mom also didn't have much time to spend with me, so she put me up for sale. Lucky for me, my new family found me and brought me home. Here is a cute little puppy picture of me,

Jack: Meow I don't have much time for this online blogging thing although Erika tells me she puts me on it occasionally. I'm supposed to be Erika's kitty as she picked me out of all my litter mates at her family party. She named me Jack because she wants to name her first son Jack imagine a kid named after me hahahaha. I know boring adoption story right. Here is a photo of a littler me doing what I do best, sleeping after a good hunt.

Indy: Hi everyone I'm so excited to tell my adoption story. My family had a lovely wirefox terrier named Jake who had to be put down due to cancer. It was about 2 months later that my family realized then needed another dog. So the puppy breed searched started, they choose the portugese water dog since they are big, playful, swim and look like cute little black bears. My family came to visit my litter 3 days after we were born, they picked my brother who was black and white. They came back to visit one more time with Erika who missed out on the first visit. Thank goodness she came otherwise I wouldn't have my family, she said no to my brother and picked me out. Then she said my name was Henry Jones, aka Indiana aka Indy. Here is a picture of my litter,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sugar Cookies

We made dog treats today thanks to Sugar the Golden Retriever's awesome recipe located here http://www.sugarthegoldenretriever.com/2010/08/tasty-weekend.html . Everyone in the family pitched in making the dough and then rolling out the cookies making them into fun christmas shapes.

Still waiting on them to cook, they are taking forever!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fun with Christmas

Christmas at my house tends to be a whirl wind of events, normally we have lots of family over who often bring children and pets.

Koda loves all the attention he gets and the fun playmates. We have a big hill that all the kids go sliding down and Koda loves to chase their feet as they go down the hill. He acts like he is going to eat them all up, but at the bottom of the hill he is happy puppy again. Koda also has a harness so that he can pull little kids around on a sled in the snow. Of course he loves dressing up as their raindeer in the house too!

Last year Indy undecorated the christmas tree TWICE while he was home alone during the day. And Sophie thought it was okay to bite everyone who went near her bone that Santa brought her. I finally found a photo of Jack sleeping with the christmas tree, I'm really not sure why he likes to sleep under it so much. Blair just likes to play with the decorations.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas is taking over

We dug our christmas decorations out of the closet this past weekend thinking we could get it all up in one afternoon if everyone helped. BOY WERE WE WRONG! We are beginning to be over taken by decorations already though.

Unlike Puddles's little snowman family, we have a HUGE, SINGING AND DANCING snowman,

We did manage to put up one christmas tree which Jack loves to sleep under I couldn't get a photo though so here is Koda modelling,

The dogs needed some christmas wear so tonight I found these at walmart, a pretty red sweater with red and green hearts and a pretty bow.

We hope you enjoy decorating your houses for christmas,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Silly Sophie

My little sister, Koda and I visited the pet stores yesterday. We have a really cool new pet store in town which allows you to bring your dog in bathe them yourself in their raised tubs and then dry them on a raised drying table. They supply shampoo, conditioner, towels, brushes, nair clippers, hair dryers, scissors, and clippers, everything you could possibly need to wash your dog. And the best part is you don't have to clean up the mess either. Koda was thrilled until he saw the tubs and realized what his visit to the pet store was all about.

Afterwards we let him pick out some bones and christmas presents which he enjoyeddoing until we got them home....

Yes it actually is the same length as she is!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Koda and the Horses

When I first got Koda, I also had horses. So he had to learn the proper way to be around them, luckily for me the horses made great teachers.

Momma helped to teach him to go out riding, she stayed semi-calm while he ran around doing loops learning to stay close. He also learned car safety and to this day will jump into a ditch when walking if a car comes on the road.
Momma also taught him that he was only allowed to enter the horse field with her approval and if he acted out she would chase him out.

Spirit taught him that friendship transcends all species, she and Koda used to run all over the horse field together. She would even lay down to see him.

Having the horses also helped him to learn many basic commands as well as fun ones for him such as go get the horses and bring them back for supper. Chasing them was great fun for him.

Now that the horses are gone I can tell that he misses them especially whenever I move around the horse equipment as he gets all excited thinking we are going riding.

Have any of your pets had some unlikely teachers?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


For those of you who follow me know that last week I went on vacation to Florida. My Dad's family and I drove to Disney World from Ontario. I was able to finally see the beautiful country of the US, it was amazing driving through Virginia and the Carolina's so those of you who live there I am coming to visit! I didn't see many dogs on my trip but there was one really cute chihuahua in a pink dress. I didn't get a chance to get a photo though. I also saw lots of these guys,

I joined in their parade. At the end of the week we had weather that was fit for ducks but we did get some nice warm days at the beginning. I hope everyone had a great week too, I am getting around to all the blogs, slowly but surely.